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It's been real, thanks Blogger! Hey thanks for checking out this page! After 10 years of posting here and over 600 posts, it's time to try something new at over possibly greener pastures. Which means you can now find me and all my random adventuring ways over at One Man Many Plans . 

Forget cars, games and beer - today we review tea. PART 1

Today I am reviewing tea. Yes tea. Now before you scoff 'How the mighty have fallen' and 'Almigo you have obviously sold out to the all mighty tea dollar', there is a reason why I'm reviewing tea and it has something to do with my brain...
Do try it!
Like many others, I struggle to sleep and the majority comes from my brain spending ridiculous amounts of time going over scenarios that will never happen, multi-million dollar ideas that won't actually make me a single dime and things I must remember to do, even if I've done them or more likely set a reminder to get them finished.
When I go to bed my brain suddenly fires up, every synapse fires at once and the neurons and other brain terms get together in what I can only guess as one massive car keys in a fishbowl sex fest, keeping me well and truly sleep free at 3am in the morning (the alarm for my radio announcer role goes off at 5am). 
Which means I wake up looking and feeling like a freshly bitten extra from the Walking Dead and my brain remains in reverse gear until it's jolted again by the brews my co-host AD makes so well.
Sunday nights into Monday mornings are truly the struggle as my sleeping patterns are more messed up that a 10 month old attempting to eat spaghetti cleanly.

I was actually talking to super trainer Arj today about it and he suggested Three Tulsi Tea as a nightcap (I was hoping he would say 'lots of Red Wine!' but no, he suggested the tea.) Steeped for 5 minutes and taken half an hour before my usual attempt at nap time, he explained that by the time I stumbled off to the sack, my lids should be heavier that the weights he makes me use at the Secret Men's Business sessions. He even told me where to buy it and messaged me on Facebook in case I forgot the name (he knows me well!) so as soon as work was over I was off to the health store.

Brain, get ready to sleep tonight..   



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