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It's been real, thanks Blogger! Hey thanks for checking out this page! After 10 years of posting here and over 600 posts, it's time to try something new at over possibly greener pastures. Which means you can now find me and all my random adventuring ways over at One Man Many Plans . 

Hit the road family - day 4: Barricade yourself in the Golf Club

 Hey Albury, we're here! Time to get acquainted! 

No wait, I'm ahead of myself as we started day four 407.7 km from Albury, in Parkes. Still, this was slightly better than 527 kms if we spent the night in Dubvegas so we're glad we pushed on. 

Breakfast started at Parkes McDonalds on the hilariously named Bogan Street where the McMuffin's were hot and someone managed to break the crapper in the men's room (Don't ask me how, I don't think I even want to know.) Of course they left their best effort there in tribute so I can only imagine the grimace on the plumber when they finally got there to sort out the situation.

(Hey at least yours worked!)

Given that we were operating under very little sleep (a theme for the entire trip really) the towns came and went like a blur. I don't remember Termora, I barely recall Wagga Wagga. We did let out a huge family cheer though when we hit Albury because hey, we made it. Some interesting sites, some funny stories and amazingly the car held itself together with a surprising lack of gaffa tape.

Exhausted, we plugged in the address for the motel my new work had kindly set up for us in the interim of getting out new house organised, the Commercial Golf Resort Albury where the staff are friendly, the air con ice cold. 

Of course what happens when your long trip, your slightly mad rush comes to a sudden halt? Sometimes your body starts to hit the brakes too..


Dad, I'm not feeling good..

-Jackson, midway through our very first night out in Albury

Pizza night at Downtown Pizza Albury (amazing lamb pizzas and pastas there) came to a sudden halt when the oldest child felt like he was about to lose it. So the lovely staff boxed up the remaining meals and back to the room we went where some kids Panadol cured what ailed him.

However next morning..


Wifey woke with a sore throat. Uh oh. And to ease the fears of the in laws, off to the testing centre we went while she got the swab to see if we'd brought Covid along for the ride. (Highly unlikely, but still..) While we waited for the result, we spent the entire day in the room again watching TV. We had no idea that Parker Schnabel from Gold Rush fame had even popped over to Australia looking for possible mining claims down under..


Test came back negative as expected, joy! Now we can finally explore this new town and more importantly, move into our new place!


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