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It's been real, thanks Blogger! Hey thanks for checking out this page! After 10 years of posting here and over 600 posts, it's time to try something new at over possibly greener pastures. Which means you can now find me and all my random adventuring ways over at One Man Many Plans . 

The Breakfast Radio Diaries 121 - There must be more to it than this

 Warning: Mini rant ahead. I'm okay though, just insanely bored of everything.


Everything went just fine - we chatted about the impending rains, pets with cool names (like Pesto the dog and Lu's Duck Count Duckula), I won the latest Fight For Your Flashback with a Hunters and Collectors song and with the boss away sick, I was home a few minutes earlier than usual. 

However I don't think that's helping what seems to be taking a swing at me at the moment. 


It's been building up over time, little almost insignificant irritations piling together to form one annoying mass, minuscule parts that band to create a boredom cloud that makes me wish that this year and so much of it was already over. Yes 2022 the finger is pointed in your direction mostly, you were supposed to be the light at the end of the tunnel but like your two preceding Covid soaked years, you really haven't been short of the unwelcome stuff. And this includes and certainly not limited to:

-The crap weather. Two days of sun, heaps and heaps and heaps of rain for the rest of the week. Unmotivating stay in bed heavy downpours for someone who rarely gets that luxury of hiding under the covers. I mow the lawn and turn my back, it rains and it's a jungle again. When the kids want to go to the park, it's flooded. Events get pulled because the rain washes it all out, roads become heavy going and I'm not keen on lifting heavy things out the back when it comes tumbling down. I'm bored of this rain, get to a balmy summer already.

-I'm bored of social media. And yet I keep checking it strangely every so often just in case there's something major I've missed. Here's the kicker: There's never anything major I've missed. Twitter seems a place where everyone yells into the wind to get noticed and being a celebrity with an opinion opens the floodgates for everyone to put their absolute venom on display. Furniture makers must be making a fortune there giving how many armchair experts on everything are gripping their recliners with white knuckled fever while tweeting furiously. Instagram's boring me because it seems to be mostly selfies in nice locations and everyone comments on how good looking someone is (funnily enough this doesn't happen on any shots of mine, especially delving deep in engine bays) while Facebook is full of idiots and its algorithm must be smoking crack based on how many stupid groups it recommends me on a daily basis.

(As I've written this, I've just unsubscribed from Twitter because I've come to the realisation that there hasn't been a single email directing me to anyone's tweet that's made the day better or gripped my interests.) 

-On the social thing, I am bored of your quick videos. Because all you need to do is shake your ass or flash some cleavage to some song and watch your views rise to the moon, but anything of substance has to go the long way around because people are constantly horny and have the attention span of a gutted goldfish. And I feel I need to underline the word substance here because I accidentally watched a video where someone cemented a carrot into a drain pipe opening and then smoothed it out when dry with a grinder and I just about picked up the screen and threw it through the window in confusion. That pointless waste of time has been watched hundreds of thousands of times which I'm sure sits well with the vast ocean of Tik Tok creators who aren't impressed when any of their well thought out videos gets to a 200 view count and then stops there, completely out of petrol. 

-I'm bored of how expensive everything is. I got a pay rise when I switched to breakfast, lovely. But everything has risen since then effectively mooting it and making it harder to save. Cost of living, cost of heating, cost of petrol, cost of medications, cost of things that once upon a time were affordable. And when you're in a family of four with young kids, nothing is cheap. Oh let's add the price of housing too to that previous list, making it nigh on impossible to buy a house (or an affordable car in today's inflated market) even if you could save. 

-I'm bored of pitiful payments on the internet, selling yourself short to make a dollar and then watching said dollar be eaten by fees. Because apparently record profits aren't enough and people can really go far on a handful of cents.  

-Putin, I'm not bored of you, I despise you. Obviously for what you're doing right now in this whole Ukraine situation but also that you're making the entire world even worse than before. Prices are through the roof because of your idiot war and not coming down anytime soon. The place was already a mess, you've just come in and made it stink to high heaven. The sooner you realise how stupid you've been, the better for all of us. 

-I'm bored of how slow everything seems to have become and I'm talking technology here. Computers, my phone, the Xbox One (actually that's always been slow) seem a few noticeable steps slower than before. I know this is 2022 and we have to wait longer times for everything including deliveries and doctor visits but I didn't think tech would jump onboard that particular train for the ride. 

-Game of Thrones House of the Dragon. Do something already, please. 

-Men's Health Magazine. I was a subscriber once, I'm a reader of it still courtesy of the local library but with each edition, I see less relevance to me. I'm not dating, I can't afford a $360 shirt (and if I could a shirt would be the last thing I'd want to spend that level of coin on) no matter how many fashion spreads you do, who exactly is buying a twenty five grand watch, there's too many ads and the travel is lost on me. Am I benefiting from the exercise guides though? Not really - there's been nothing in the last 12 months that I thought 'Well I need to try that..'

-Reality TV. No, enough already. I can only make so many jokes about something like Love Boat Island Farmer Needs a Special Cuddle already. And to anyone who says 'Well okay then, don't watch it.' I reply 'Gladly' and then point out that I don't need to watch it to still be hit by ads promoting it and articles analysing each episode everywhere I turn. Because it's not enough to watch the episodes, apparently we had to nod and agree when a journo tells us that 'they can't even' after someone has done something on last nights ep - whatever that means. 

-Asthma storms. On behalf of the 10% population with asthma, a hearty **** you to both you and the storm cloud you rode in on. 

-Same with you hackers and scammers. We're all tired and stuffed already, leave the world alone and go and find a real job. 

-Rubbish apps companies insist you use now that work only some of the time. ABC iView on the Xbox one is a perfect example, if you think too fast or move the control button just a smidge faster than a tranquillised turtle the app will throw up the white flag of defeat and promptly shut down. To look at my current Vodaphone bill, I have to go to their website, give them my phone number, they'll send me a text with a special link and I've got to use that every time. Seriously? How bout I just log in and there's my bill like I'm used to? 

I could go on but I think that's probably enough for today.

Argh, welcome to my current mini frustrations and lack of motivation. I should be writing but I start a session and it doesn't go far before I find something else to do. I should be lifting, I do and then I'm sore and grumpy for a couple of days after (today being one of them obviously), I've always got plenty to do on my to do list - I just can't fire up the energy to get it to. 

And yet I know I'm not the only one in this boat. I doubt I'm the only one jack of this year and all of the things we have to accept as normal nowadays because what other choice do we have? I can garantee I'm not the only one looking out of the window currently hoping 2023 gets here sooner than later and things ease up (if only slightly) enough for us all to get excited about something big again.

If you feel the same way, I'd love you to chuck in a 'hell yeah!' in the comments below. 

(I'm okay though, just insanely bored.) 

Chat tomorrow



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