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It's been real, thanks Blogger! Hey thanks for checking out this page! After 10 years of posting here and over 600 posts, it's time to try something new at over possibly greener pastures. Which means you can now find me and all my random adventuring ways over at One Man Many Plans . 

The Breakfast Radio Diaries 140 - Free books and fine brews

Today you can have one of my books for free, everything smells like perfume and I suddenly have a BBQ shaped hole in my life thanks to the sudden change in weather. 

View from the work window this morning


Yeah I haven't made anything I've written (well aside from blogging of course) go free for a limited time for a very long time. In fact I'm going to say it's been years since the last eBook freebie which makes this one even more special. In the lead up to Black Friday, Cyber Monday and whatever sale day they feel they need to throw in on the weekend between those two days, you can grab Hack Frost for nothing. 

Free. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Zero. 

No flashy forms, no signing over your first born, I don't want your credit card details, just enjoy the free book. 


And if you enjoy this, well the ripper news is that parts 2 and 3 are going on sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Who doesn't like a bargain? It's going to be a while before these sales come around again so if you want a free book, you better move quick.


Actually since my sense of smell burst back on the scene after so long (and will probably annoyingly fade away again just as I get used to it again), I haven't actually smelt an actual rose - but I am picking up everything else with a floral note, be it the bushes outside of work or someone going hammer and tongs with some very cheap and nasty cologne in the men's room. 
And let's be honest, that second one is still streets ahead of smells that have come flooding back the last time my nasal senses came back to me albeit temporarily, including exhaust fumes and rotting garbage in the hot sun. 
So not only am I enjoying that, I'm also relishing a heightened sense of taste at the moment. The ability to smell goes hand in hand with tasting things and since it's been blocked up, taste sensations for me haven't really been sensations, more like a house band jam session on a lazy Monday night when the bar is three quarters empty. 
Which means today's coffee at Nine Canaries in Albury wasn't just good, it was divine. 

Smooth, flavourful, satisfying - I can't remember appreciating a coffee that good in ages. It didn't just tick the boxes, it smashed them and I almost felt disappointed when I hit the last sip that I didn't have another on hand to continue with. Not to say there haven't been brews as good as this til now, it's just that I haven't been able to savour it like I have today.
And since I could return to limited sniffability soon enough, I'm going to savour everything as much as I can until then. 


We've had on again off again rain. And hail. And flooding. And then more rain. But all of a sudden lovely mother nature has finally located the 'Turn off the rain switch' and presented us with incredible sunshine instead. Warm sun, very few clouds, a tiny sprinkle of rain if she has to but otherwise just brilliant conditions for being outside...and cooking up a storm on the hotplate for the family. 

I've made no secret of my love of BBQing, especially with a cold beer in hand, turning sizzling snags (and steak...and chops...ooh and burgers..) while the kids run around in the backyard getting some fresh air. And with the weather like this, it would be remiss of me not to return to those outdoor dinner ways.

I just have to buy a BBQ first. I mean it's on the list..

A shout out to temptation city aka Bunnings Warehouse and their huge BBQ section. I ended up there for a wander over the weekend with the kids and was gobsmacked with the options for outdoor cooking, from fire pits to smokers to webbers and then whatever this thing is:

I don't know what goes in there but I'm sure when it comes out it'll be mouth watering! (Even if it does look like something Sigourney Weaver would shoot at from a distance with a pulse rifle..) First thing first, I think we'll start with a traditional hotplate with a hood and then work my way up from there..

(Although now that I'm thinking of BBQing, I'm also giving thought to something that goes so well with great meals of meat sizzling away...and that would be home brew. Maybe I could get a BBQ and a home brew setup at the same time and not set foot back in the house for weeks...)

Tempting decisions, decisions. 

In the meantime I'm off to sniff the world - have a great afternoon and we'll chat again soon!


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