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It's been real, thanks Blogger! Hey thanks for checking out this page! After 10 years of posting here and over 600 posts, it's time to try something new at over possibly greener pastures. Which means you can now find me and all my random adventuring ways over at One Man Many Plans . 

The Breakfast Radio Diaries 142 - Celebrity Meta Pirates

This site has gone Meta but not in a failed Facebook way, Weird Al's got some great advice if you're in Australia and want to watch his new film and we dive deep into our own phones for photos with celebrities such as these:  


Yep, only 3844 days since I kicked off this blog and wrote the very first post on it (Ahh the heady day of May 2nd 2012, what a day!) but only now, today, have I finally sorted out it's meta tag issue. 

Well I think I have. 

For those in the blogger meta tag dark here (like me over the last ten years..) it's basically a bit of code put in the back of the site to help search engines search and engine (whatever that means) which should mean more of your pages appear when people go looking for things to read, more human's ogle your work and more millions you make because of it or something. 

Or in terms of a proper explanation: 

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content; the meta tags don't appear on the page itself, but only in the page's source code.

Basically if you want more of your blogging work to appear in search engines, meta tags are there to help. Only Blogger doesn't naturally have them (only discovered this recently) and so if you're like me and blog away here on and you'd like a touch more searchability, we'll it's a pretty quick and easy job to get things up and running. 

In fact here's a link to the page I used from earlier this morning. Obviously you have to change a few things around to fit your blog (like name, country of origin etc) but since putting this code into the background, nothing has caught on fire and the FBI haven't dropped me a line yet. So far so good!


Ever since my brother and I rented the Videot from UHF way back when we were very impressionable young boys, we've loved the work of Weird Al Yankovic. And seriously, you'd have to search pretty deeply in the darkest recesses of the internets to find a bad story about him, he's just that kind of awesome guy. 

One of these two are a riot. Here's a hint, it's not Fran. 

So you could imagine how excited I was to find out he's got a film out about his life, only it's more piss take on biopic than the actual story of Al himself and even better, Daniel Radcliffe is playing Al (although Al does turn up playing other characters that aren't him.) 

Today we learnt that the film isn't available in Australia yet for some reason that escapes us. Did the producers think there weren't any Al fans here? We love the guy! But that's okay, because an Aussie asked him how clan Down Under could see his latest work and he responded in kind: 

Hmm, if only I could read between the lines there. If only I studied back in PIRATE class. Maybe film man Michael BAY knows? Gah, hopefully I'll work this out soon!


We decided to dub today 'Celeb selfie day' (just cos) and invited people to go through their phones and post up the celebs they took photos and selfies with. Boy oh boy did the flood gates open with this one as the people responded with supercar drivers, travelling musos, wrestling and film stars, tv people and great sportsmen. And if you've looked at the first pic in this post and wondered who one or two of the celebs with me are: 

LEFT - Nic Dinsmore, aka Eugene (WWE) or U-Gene when wrestling outside of the WWE. In Bendigo for an event called Wrestling for Rotary years ago, Nic was booker for the card but also got involved in the ring when it was time. When I asked for a photo, he was more than happy to choke me out. Quite the experience!

MIDDLE - That's ubercool rock star Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 fame. Not only did I get to meet him before he performed for a group of very lucky listeners at the station I worked at on the Gold Coast, I had a huge interview with the great man before hand. In fact as soon I walked into the backstage area, he was the first to come up and introduce himself before offering me a beer. Seriously cool and funny dude and the crowd just ate up everything he put out on stage. 

Which leaves: 

RIGHT - That's one of the godfathers of Australian music in Paul Kelly. I first got into his songs courtesy of 'Dumb Things' being part of the Young Einstein soundtrack back in the late 80's and had no idea that later on I'd end up having quite a few chats with him over the years as well as getting to introduce him on stage during a listener event. 
It's funny how life goes isn't it? 


Speaking of music, because it's Flock of 80's time again, we're going to ask about the best 80's music videos. As you know there's plenty to choose from..

Chat then, take care!



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